Wind Energy Advantages
People have known about the many wind energy advantages for centuries. Windmills, for example, were an invention that used wind energy to pump water or grain corn. During the process of increased industrial growth, however, wind energy became less favorable. Fossil fuels were a more convenient form of energy. Today, we are set to run out of fossil fuels soon and people have remembered wind energy and how to build wind turbine machines. In this context we will look at wind energy advantages and their impact on our daily lives. But, we will also include a list of wind energy disadvantages.
For another great article on building your own wind turbine at home see Build Wind Turbine How To Instructions
Let's start our list of wind energy advantages with the fact that wind is a renewable resource that is also freely accessible. Secondly, wind energy can be described as a clean source of energy as it does not involve the production or subsequent release of harmful gases such as sulphur dioxide. This could also lead to a decrease in health costs. Wind energy does also not have any of the common negative side effects such as smog or global warming.
Let's now consider some monetary wind energy advantages. The costs involved with running wind technology are quite small (which is of importance for people who want to build wind turbine technology the diy way). Furthermore, the government is helping to grow and develop the wind industry. This also benefits our national economy. New employment opportunities open up and new businesses can grow. As important as these considerations are, it is also good to know that one can make a difference by helping to develop the wind energy industry.
Next to these benefits we will now discuss some wind energy disadvantages that you should know about, especially if you want to build wind turbine technology by yourself.
For another awesome article on wind energy disadvantages and advantages see Disadvantages of Wind Energy
Any list of wind energy disadvantages should certainly include noise emission. The wind turbines in question are large wind farms that contain many huge wind turbines. These massive wind turbines can produce noise levels that are often compared to jet engines. Such large wind farms are also often seen as dangerous for wildlife especially birds. A third problem of wind farms is to find suitable land for them as they need vast open spaces that should be close to populated areas. Finally, many people just don't like the look of wind farms and don't want to live near them.
To be complete we should also mention the following disadvantages of wind energy. Firstly, wind is not a constant force. It always changes strength and direction. While wind comes and goes our need for electricity stays. Setting up wind energy technology also is quite expensive and involves a lot of bureaucracy. However, this problem can easily be solved if you build wind turbine technology by yourself.
Luckily, these disadvantages of wind energy can easily be overcome with time. The more households start to benefit from wind energy the more people will be open to learning about wind energy advantages. This trend will certainly increase the attractiveness of wind energy as a way to power your house and many home owners might consider to build wind turbine technology by themselves.
I hope you found this essay helpful and informative. If you are looking for some more great insider information on all the advantages of solar energy take a look at Wind Energy – A look at Advantages